Evading Death

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Life After Death! Let's Talk About It!

Steve Long returned from 20 plus years in Taiwan to head the International Students Christian Outreach program at Stanford. It was being sponsored by our church in nearby Menlo Park. He joined the men’s fellowship group at the church where we became friends. Even prior to his near death experience, Steve had a fascinating life. In the 20 plus years he and his wife Vicky lived in Taiwan, they created a program for the schools called Global Champions. This program, taught in middle school, enhanced the lives of more than three million children there. They now are working to bring this program to U.S. schools. Steve’s experiences escaping death is an awe-inspiring story that awakens new vistas in your thinking. I think you will enjoy this book very much.

Paul Ely

Retired Management Executive, Hewlett Packard

If you’ve ever wondered what happens after death as we know it, you’ve got to hear about it from someone who’s experienced it! Steve’s genuine narrative implores the reader to give important thought the implications of our present choices on our eternal future, and challenges everyone to choose the path to light over darkness.

Audrey K. Bowden, PhD

Assistant Professor, E.E., Stanford University
Gracefully interweaving Scripture while interspersing his own personal account as well as the experiences of others, Steve poses poignant questions which lead the reader to reflect on their own experience of God ... Love unites our tripartite nature: our spirit, our soul, and our body. Steve’s near loss of his bodily self provides him a unique vantage point from which he considers the forever-living aspects of our being: own spirit and our soul. Ultimately, the book is not as much a depiction of Steve’s near death experience as it is a meditation on living a Christ-centered life. Gone, but not gone, Steve describes his near death experience as a regeneration; born again into a new beginning from above.

Professor Doug Leigh

Pepperdine University, California

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It is currently only available in English but will be translated into several other languages. Check back with us!

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